Hatchet Pond New Forest Walk. A beautiful walk

Hatchet Pond New Forest Walk.

Christmas is becoming a distant memory. The tree is drooping, the fridge is looking emptier. The dishwasher is only put on once a day instead of what felt like 3 times a day!

Max is back in nursery, so we took the opportunity to spend the day together doing something we haven’t done for a while. Nothing. Well almost nothing.

The sun was shining, the sky was blue, so we decided to go for a walk somewhere we hadn’t been before.

Hatchet Pond New Forest Walk

Just the other side of Beaulieu from where we live is a place called Hatchet Pond. We have driven past it many times on other days out. Recently when we visited Lymington, always promising to stop off and check it out. Well, today we have!

It was a fresh morning, and there were a handful of other cars in the car park when we pulled in. We parked up, donned our hats and gloves. One of us changed shoes (me, wisely as it turned out) and off we went.

With the Pond on our left we ambled passed a couple of New Forest horses having breakfast. We left them to it and carried on.

The path to take wasn’t 100% obvious in places, but most of the time it was, so tracking around the lake wasn’t a problem. It was quite firm underfoot, but only because the ground was frozen. The ground had been chewed up in many places so it would have been quite muddy I imagine had it not been frozen. It is January after all.

Hatchet Pond New Forest Walk

As we walked around, Hatchet Pond stretched into the distance. We then had a decision to make. Go round the whole lake, or head back the way we came. In for a penny we thought, and set off to go all round, not really sure how long it it might take.

There were places where to had to venture off the main path to avoid trudging through the mud (which was now defrosting rapidly with the sun beating down).

A decorative but still very frozen puddle

Eventually the pond tapered off, and we could see the other side. Or so we thought. By now the ground was quite soggy underfoot. Me, being the one who changed into proper walking shoes…no problem. Squelched through after finding a decent place to cross. Suzanne in her trainers however, had a bit more of a challenge.

What we had to cross. We made it after finding a shallow, firm spot

After sinking just the once, and being dragged across by yours truly, we eventually made it to firmer ground, and continued round the lake. Another vague path, more great scenery and a few more horses to boot!

The Hatchet Pond New Forest Walk is definitely one I would recommend, particularly if you are a fan of the water, and enjoy a decent stroll with great scenery.

At this time of year though, it is not easy for buggy’s, or for people with mobility issues, so worth bearing that in mind.

Hope you enjoy the photos below, have a great day!

Leamington Harbour Sunset
Not Hatchet Pond, but a shot across the water near Leamington Harbour, taken on our drive home
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