Dublin Day 2 – 17th February evening

A quite night, we met in the hotel bar for a quick drink before heading out onto the streets if Dublin with pretty much no plan or idea of where we were going

The only thing we decided was that we were going to try something other than the Temple Bar area, and look for a back street individual, cosy type restaurant.

We found it in a little place called Dada’s on South William Street. A quick look at the menu outside, and everyone decided to give it a go.

After a quick table change due to the first one being wobbly (this table change happened when I was in the loo!) we settled down for a more in depth look at the menu. I had Couscous with chicken, sultanas, caramelised onion and chick pea and Suzanne had Lamb Tagine with apricots, walnuts and almonds.

My dinner wasn’t my favourite, and if anyone suggests a Moroccan again, I may have to wiggle my way out of it somehow!!

I went out without my camera or phone so the only picture I have has been borrowed from the website.

I take zero credit for this, thank you whoever took it!!!

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