Northcott Mouth Beach – Stunning even in the rain.
This week, we have been spending a few days in Bude, situated on the North Cornwall coast.
The weather hasn’t been kind so we have spent a bit of time in the car.
Coasting from sight to sight, coastal town to coastal town.
At lunch today, looking through the drizzle covered window, at the drizzle covered cars, we decided the drizzle wasn’t going to hold us back. We headed a couple of miles north to Northcott Mouth Beach.
The Road Taken, proved to be a challenging one. Laden with speed bumps and pot holes “Where are we going?” my wife exclaimed!
We trundled on, and are glad we did. Eventually we reached a dead end, and Northcott Mouth Beach was before us. We parked, and ventured down to the beach. Me, my wife, and our 2 year old. All that lay between us and the wet, golden sand, was several meters of sharp, jagged rocks.
We went for it, at Northcott Mouth Beach
Not to be perturbed, we went for it. Splashing through the rock pools, balancing on the jagged rocks, we made it to the soft sand.
Turned around and was faced with this

They are the rocks we battled across, and it was well worth the trek.

We didn’t have a flag to erect to mark our achievement, so names in the sand would have to do!
Once we were there, we made the most of it, enjoying the views and the feeling of just being there.
We then ventured back, which was surprisingly easier than it was coming in the first place. Maybe because we knew the tide was coming in and we had more of an incentive!
Feeling pleased with ourselves, it was then a walk up the cliff top, to enjoy the views from above.
A great afternoon, not letting the weather stop us, and please The Road Taken ended in success!

What an interesting place, Richard!