USA 2019 – 27th March Day 5 – Angels Camp to Lake Tahoe

Day 5

Today we started in – Angels Camp
We finished in – Lake Tahoe
Miles travelled today – 125
Miles so far this trip – 686
Tonight we are staying at The Beach Retreat & Lodge

Wednesday 27th March – Day 5

A 6am wake up is proving the jet lag is finally subsiding. We are greeted with rain pounding the one window that looks out directly onto the car park.

That car park is metres from Highway 49. The lorries have started early, and they thunder past, probably less than 50 foot from our window.

And this is exactly what we love. Backing the car up to the motel room door. The free, totally unhealthy motel breakfasts of waffles and sugared cereal . A token bowl of fruit for the health conscious.

By 10am we had loaded up the car. Construction is happening the other side of the highway.

Today was mainly about getting to Lake Tahoe before the snow did. The weather was forecast to hit at about 4pm, so we aimed to get there at least one hour before that.

A quick visit to Starbucks and we were off. It was clear we were getting close as the snow reappeared roadside, the roads got twisty and the odd flake appeared in the air.

We switched seats and I took over the the decent into the village. We round the next corner, to be faced with a snow plough, followed by a Highway Patrol vehicle, followed by about 20 other cars stuck in its wake.

I guess they are getting in position for what’s to come.

We reach Tahoe Beach Retreat & Resort, and fortunately despite being 90 minutes early our room is ready. A long narrow room, but with lake views that would later give us an impressive view of the snow.

We head to an area called Heavenly Village.

Tahoe seems a typical ski resort. People casually wandering around in goggles, carrying snow boards. Fire pits sit outside bars and café warming the outsides of those drinking something to warm their insides.

The snow that was promised at 4pm came at 4pm. And boy did it come.

Whiteout they call it. Inches fell in a mater of minutes. Max fell victim, slipping flat on his face. His second fall of the day. This morning he slipped off the bed, and now sports a red eye! Not quite a black eye but traumatising enough for a 4 year old.

The snow continues. Fat, fluffy and persistent. We left the car in the first available spot, and took refuge in Sidelines sports bar. The bar attached to the Hotel.

An hour or so passes, and we attempt the short walk to the Italian across the street, and to the left.

We couldn’t make it the 100 metres. The urge was too great. It is not often we get to have a snow ball fight!!

The cold set in, so we sheltered in the Italian. The food was ok, nothing stunning about my Ravioli or Suzanne’s Vodka Pasta.

Fortunately, the snow had stopped before we left, so all we had to contend with was getting back across the road, and making sure we stayed upright for the walk home.

Day 5 complete. 19 to go!!

See Full Itinerary of our trip here

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