This weeks challenge is all about the colour Green.
Sometimes it’s fun to take a step back from interpretive challenges and just celebrate a color: green! With Monday’s vernal equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere — not to mention the St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans in many cities over the weekend — it seemed like a great time to bask in the color of spring rebirth (and leprechauns).
I have chosen a few photos that while may not be totally green, the colour certainly is prominent in all the photos, and in some of them quite significant.
The Featured image in this post, shows the Green Doctors of Venice Beach, CA.
More of the colour Green
This next one, overlooks the beach on the North Cornwall Coast.

Taken from our USA 2016 Road Trip, Florida.

Standing out in his Green T-Shirt, looking for somewhere to explore.

Trying not to stand out too much! The crocodile that is, hidden amongst the lilies.

From the amazing Pacific Coast Highway. Amazing scenery everywhere!

Vegas, the green MGM Grand. This was taken from our hotel window opposite.

Yosemite – Green trees and water

The colour green is everywhere, and no more so in the landscape photographs taken when on holiday. We are lucky enough to have gone on some great holidays, and with the amazing scenery we have seen, Green is certainly a colour that crops up on many occasions.
Hope you enjoy my take on The Colour Green.