Today we started in – Santa Monica
We finished in – Santa Monica
Miles travelled today = 72
Miles so far this trip = 2,217
Tonight we are staying at – DoubleTree Suites Santa Monica
Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive. If you have never been, you really should go!
Today it was off to the really posh parts of LA. Beverley Hills and mainly Rodeo Drive. First though, it was Hollywood Boulevard, spotting all the stars on the streets. Unfortunately, the only stars on the street were, well the actual stars on the street floor.
It turns out it was the 4th anniversary of Patrick Swayze’s passing, and a florist had left flowers on his star.
We walked up and down the Blvd, we were only on the street for an hour or so, and we were asked upwards of 12 times if we wanted to go on a star seeing tour!!
There were dressed up “stars” littering the street, people dressing up as Michael Jackson, Marilyn, Incredible Hulk, Spiderman to name but a few. The aim was to pose with people like us for tips. We declined and continued on our way.
Heading to Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive
Shortly after this, we headed off to Rodeo Drive to look for some bargains. Turns out there aren’t many sales on Rodeo Drive. Who’d have thought! What we did see was a range of cars to ogle. Porsche, Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Bugatti, the odd limo, a Nissan (ok the Nissan was ours).Beverly Hills Rodeo Drive is certainly the place to go to see millions of $$ of cars in one place.
Click one of the snaps below to open larger.

After a jaunt around the shops, it was back in the car to spend a last afternoon and evening at Santa Monica beach and pier. We had decided to spend our last night watching the sunset from the end of the pier.
Stand by for an over indulgence of sunset photos!!

Sounds romantic huh! Ineveitably we we were outdone. While we were there 4 people come along an unfurled what must have been a 30 foot banner reading “Tasmeen, will you marry me” 20 mins later a helicopter circled, containing Tasmeen. She said yes, by the way.
Soon, the sun had dipped below the horizon. It was time to head back to the hotel to get ready for our last night 🙁