This morning I am paying the price for that longer than expected walk yesterday. Knee aching and stiff and send to have set me back 24 hours
As a result we are deciding not to visit Spearfish Canyon as recommended by someone in the restaurant last night.
Today we started in – Lead, South Dakota
We finished in – Sheridan, Wyoming
Miles travelled today – 246
Miles so far this trip – 746
Tonight we are staying at – Comfort Inn & Suites Sheridan

It was never on our radar and I expect it will involve some form of walking or hiking so I do not want to risk further damage.
Upon leaving the hotel room we bumped into Dennis, Debbie and Henry. A family from Oklahoma and we had a good chat for 20 minutes standing in the hotel corridor.

After our hotel snap we headed for Devils Tower, via a Walmart to stock up on supplies and get lunch.
Walmarts are fascinating stores. Selling everything from baby feed to firearms.
Our purchases included candy (sweets in English) washing tablets, salads and Tylenol. A pain killer
Suzanne is struggling with all the driving and I have a bad back to accompany my knee.
She soldiered on to Devils Tower.

At the gate it was $25 to get in. We’d travelled this far so we did it. As it would turn out it is included in the American the Beautiful pass which we had decided to buy anyway.
They have a red light half way up to hold traffic so as not to clog up the smaller area up by the tower. It was not Red (or any other colour for that matter) so we drove through confident we would have no delays.
Not so and a 30 min wait nearer the top delayed us somewhat.

The sun was beating down, well into the 90’s so struggling with walking meant we only walked halfway up and got good enough photos.

There were prayer cloths hanging from the trees. These cloths are said to be left by practitioners of Native American religions, who consider the tower to be sacred.

We had lunch in the shade after confirming with the local rangers/wardens that we would not be encouraging any unwanted wildlife to the area.

There was a water station set up, where we could fill water bottles but also stand ina fine mist/spray to cool down. Max made the most of it!

Toilets were pit toilets, and while bearable for us boys, Suzanne decided to wait until she found something a bit more 21st century.
The knee, while still struggling with longer walks, seemed ok, so it was here I did my first bit of driving.
I drove virtually non stop to Sheridan, apart from a short comfort break, and all was good.
This was another hotel with a pool, and we took advantage and all had a 30 minute dip while the laundry was doing.
On the suggestion of the hotel, one of the places they recommended for dinner was a place called The Pizza Powder company.

We enjoyed a Meat pizza with jalapeños, and wow, were there jalapeños! Our pizza was piled high, so we did have to scrape a few off! The place itself was a bit like a sports bar. At least 6 televisions hung from the wall/ceiling showing different kinds of sports. The kids were catered for too, with arcade games and amusements.
We came without cash though, but the waitress was sympathetic, and gave us $10, as we promised her a decent tip at the end, and we obliged with a $30 tip for a $78 dollar meal, which easily covered her $10.
It was then back to the hotel, for sleeps before we continue heading West to Cody, and Buffalo Bill land tomorrow!