We wake up, and following suggestions we head off to the Heart and Soul cafe., a 5 minute walk from our motel.
It is a Sunday, so my fears of it being busy are correct. We queue for about 15 minutes, but do get chatting to the couple in front, which passes the time.
Today we started in – Pinedale, Wyoming
We finished in – Vernal, Utah
Miles travelled today – 231
Miles so far this trip – 1883
Tonight we are staying at – Dinosaur Inn and Suites, Vernal

The heart and Soul Cafe is a colourful place, bright reds, yellows and oranges are the theme.

After we get petrol and inflate that tyre again, we are ready for the road.
Today we have over three and a half hours of driving time to cover over 200 miles, so I apologies if the following paragraphs are a bit mundane. There is only so much glamour, description and storytelling I can do from the inside of a car.
101 miles to next stop. 98 on the same road. And the road is as basic as they come. Flat and green on both sides. A hint of mountains in the distance promising more dramatic scenery. But for now, the flat green straight mundane road it is.

After a while, the roads climbs and dips ever so, giving slightly more interest from the inside of the car. Occasionally we see a road winding in the distance. Or a pull out to get a more interesting shot.

Centennial Park in Rock Springs is our first stop, and we take the lunch we bought from a Walmart just down the road. Thanks to the slow start to the day, it is already 2:30pm.

Max’s time in the play park is cut short by burns on both elbows as he comes down a plastic slide in 80+ degree heat. We then sit under a shaded canopy eating the lunch as we watch other children play and parents sometimes joining in.
Time is of the essence so we press on, and just over an hour later we are pulling into the look out over the Flaming Gorge Dam. Quite spectacular views, and these photos do not do it justice.

By the time we actually check into our hotel, it is 5:30pm, and we are knackered so we do not do much. We take a trip to the pool, where we get chatting to a nice family here on a break, from Salt Lake City.
Exchanging travel stories, getting tips on what to see, and understand how little is open in Vernal on a Sunday Afternoon and evening. Generally just a nice hour or so passing the time.
A quick google search tells me what our new pool friend already has. That Sunday is very much a day of rest, with many restaurants closed. Two are mentioned by Reception, one of which is a steak house about 3 blocks away.
We meander that way in the evening sun. On the way we pass a Native American, a couple of Dinosaurs and an elaborately painted wall.

We reach Swaines Steakhouse, and enjoy a mixture of Fajitas, and Sirloins Steak, before heading back to Dinosaur Inn & Suites for much needed rest before another day of driving tomorrow, as we head to Glenwood Springs.