Today was a “chilling by the pool and enjoying the sunset in Key West day”. If you don’t like sunset photos or think they are a bit cliche, then look away now!!
We drew back the curtains this morning to see the beautiful blue sky, and the glistening ocean from our room. Perfect!
Breakfast and the pool this morning, Key West old village and the sunset this afternoon
This was the view from our hotel window. Perfect morning for chilling by the pool. At least as chilling as you can be with a 2 year old!
We headed off to IHOP for breakfast and then back to the hotel to get our swim gear on.
The three of us headed down and Max of course loved it, like he does when he is in the local pool at home.
Splashing and messing around in the warm pool he had a great time.
There were about another 8 people at the pool, after a while we were joined by a 9th but not a person, a lizard came strolling by. He was sunning himself poolside but wasn’t using a lounger and didn’t have a cocktail.
What he did have was, though a poo. A big, steaming poo. Right on the side of the pool. Suzanne had to head off to reception to tell them so they could come and clean it up.
Lizard didn’t seem to mind though, he just scurried off and got on with his day.
It got to 1.15 and we decided to get the shuttle to the old town at 2pm, so we donned appropriate attire and off we went.
We wandered around for a bit before having a late lunch early tea in the Conch Republic Seafood Company situated in the marina. We wanted to ensure we were free from about 4.30 so we could head to Mallory Square to see the street performers and enjoy what is usually a good sunset, we are told.
Plenty of stalls, fire eaters, jugglers and the like all plying their trade. It is clearly the place to be in the evening as it was packed and we took a position at 5pm and didn’t move for fear of losing the spot.
The sunset was pretty cool, similar to the one we saw in Santa Monica a few year back. Not a cloud in the sky, so we could see the burning ball of fire sink perfectly into the horizon.
After the sunset, we wandered around the stalls for a bit more, and as it was now 6pm, we decided to buy a few supplies and get our obligatory Hard Rock Cafe T Shirt. This has become a bit of an obsession and we try to get one wherever we go.
So far we have, in no particular order:
- London
- Paris
- New York
- Rome
- Kuala Lumpa
- Los Angeles
- Key West
- Niagara Falls
- Barcelona
- San Francisco
It was then back on the 7pm shuttle bus to head back to the hotel to get Max to bed, write this blog (me) and tidy up (Suzanne).
But not before Suzanne stopped off to buy some Conch (pronounced Conk). She liked it, Max liked it. Me being the person with about as much culinary adventure as a goldfish didn’t even try it!
The only other interesting thing that happening tonight was as I was writing this blog, poor Max fell out of bed.
It was like slow motion, we saw him roll towards the edge, he stopped just on the edge, and then moved another inch and fell headfirst onto the floor 🙁
“Dada, dada” he cried. We rushed over scooped him up and 5 minutes later he was snoring away again, and here’s the proof!!
He has a double bed all to himself. Boy can that young man roll around in his sleep!!
Anyway, that’s it for today, hope you enjoyed the Story and below are my Snaps of the day. Tomorrow we head back north to Islamorada for another stay in a beach side hotel.
Follow the blog so you get notified of the next post! Have a great day, wherever you are in the world.