Miles travelled today = 60 Miles so far this trip = 2,145
Today was a day of being like kids again. UNIVERSAL STUDIOS Los Angeles!!!! Woo hoo.
After getting a little lost we eventually found the car park. In our opinion $20 for the privilege of parking is a bit steep. This is after paying $170 for the tickets!! There were no queues on entry and we arrived 20 mins after it opened.
The first thing we did was to check out the wait times on the rides
- Jurassic park = 10 mins
- The Mummy = 10 mins
- Transformers = 10 mins
We did all three in the first 45 minutes or so and transformers was amazing. Combining roller coaster effects with 3d interaction. It really felt like you were part of a mini movie. Therefore we did this again quickly afterwards and if anyone is thinking of going, try to sit in the front row of the car. The 3d robots really get in your face, and you even feel the heat from explosions!!
The second time we sat in the 2nd row an while still awesome, we knew what to expect. As a result, not quite as good the second time round.
We carried on enjoying the rides in Universal Studios Los Angeles
Jurassic Park and The Mummy were more typical roller coaster rides, one is virtually pitch black and meant to be scary (The Mummy), and one getting us soaked!!
In addition, we had a great time on The Simpsons ride and would definitely recommend it. It was a simulator type ride, with lots to look at while being thrown around on a massive simulator with Springfield all around you.
After a disappointing 20 minutes on the Shrek ride ( a massive theatre with vibrating seats) we headed of for the Waterworld show. A show based on the Kevin Costner film.
Actors playing out a mini scene culminating in a plane flying over the side and crash landing in the water. There were explosions going off all around. Pretty impressive considering it was all live.
Where to go next?
Due to the fact it was gone 5pm, and we wanted to see the Hollywood sign, the sunset over LA, and go for a drive on Mulholland Drive. The park was shutting at 6pm anyway, so it made sense for us to go.
We headed up to 3000 Canyon Lake Drive, which is the best place to see the sign from. After taking a few snaps, we then headed to Mulholland for a drive amongst the stars homes, and to see the LA sunset. Standing out on the viewing point near the top of Mulholland, with the whole of LA below us was a fantastic sight.
A tiny car park meant there were only 6 spaces to park, so when we pulled up just as someone was leaving was very handy indeed. Here is a panorama that Suzanne took on her phone of the view below us.
Afterwards it was back to the hotel so we could freshen up before heading out to dinner. We decided to go to a place called Del Frisco’s Grille. We had drinks there the night before and it seemed like a nice place. On arrival however we were told there was an hours wait (it was already 9pm) unless we wanted to eat at the bar, so consequently we did.
After dinner we ventured out onto the streets, and we popped into one more bar for a nightcap, before heading home to wake up for our last day of what has been an awesome holiday.