NZ 2012 – 4th Jan – A Quiet Day in Auckland

New Zealand Road Trip and a quiet day in Auckland was on the agenda today, as we recover from Jetlag.

4.30am (yes AM!!!) New Zealand time and a good time for a catch-up.

Yesterday, after we showered and freshened up, we hit the streets of Auckland. One block away from the Sky Tower, we visited this first. Saw a nutter jump off the building!!

The latest trend over here? Get strapped to a harness on the end of a wire and dropped over 300m. You can also do a Sky Walk, round the top of the tower on the outside.

We both know what we would sooner be doing, this was after all a quiet day in Auckland. We hope to be watching them from the inside which is our plan for Friday when we come back. On our return, we are planning a nice 3-course dinner in the revolving restaurant.

Once booked, we headed down (hill) to the Marina. We found an info centre were we booked on the Auckland Harbour Bridge walk. Similar to the one Suzanne did in Sydney with Michael.

We then found a nice little restaurant/bar where we had an early dinner, and Suzanne had a huge plank of ribs.

A quick walk around the harbour and it was back up the hill to the hotel for an early night. All ready for our first long drive of the honeymoon.

See you tomorrow



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