NaBloPoMo – Day 13 – This Writing is HARD!!

It’s funny, I was about to post the next snippet following yesterday’s post, but having re-read it, it is just not ready for the public eye yet, regardless of how many (or should I say few) people will read it!!
Have loads of ideas for a story / book, but getting them into words and tying the ideas together with a suitable adhesion, that will actually keep people reading is proving tough!!
Everything sounds great in my head, but on paper, and re-read several (hundred) times, doesn’t sound as good. Perhaps I’ve become immune to it.
Like when editing my wedding pictures. By the time I have finished, the picture doesn’t look anything special, but compared to the original, and after the comments from the bride and groom who love them, the work done and time spent isn’t appreciated by me (but thankfully is by the ones who have paid me) I guess thats what is important right?
Perhaps I just need to out a few things out there and see……..

Hey, just a heads up, this post may contains affiliate links to my favourite companies, which means I earn a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you click through and make a purchase.

1 thought on “NaBloPoMo – Day 13 – This Writing is HARD!!”

  1. You never know who will stumble across your posts! But you’re absolutely right – NaBloPoMo IS getting pretty hard! Stay strong – you can do it!

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