USA 2015 – Sept 3rd – Flight from London to New York

Our USA Road Trip starts off with the Flight from London to New York.

Today’s dilemma. Do we take a taxi to the airport with Max on our laps or do I drop them off, drive back and get a taxi myself.

The second option was a resounding yes. The first would’ve been foolish and irresponsible, if not convenient. And I’m ashamed to say we considered it for a few minutes before sense and sensible parenting got the better of us.

USA Road Trip 2015 – Flight from London to New York

Once all three of us were safely at the airport, we went to check in. After speaking to one of the red-dressed Virgin ladies, and a brief run-in with the self check-in passport scanning thing (whatever happened to people checking you in? I miss the “did you pack this yourself?” And “have you left the bags unattended at all” can’t remember the last time I was asked this) Anyhooo, I digress.

Pre flight snack

After we found out our 13-month-old son wasn’t in their system, a little bubble appeared above my head. Filled with posh evening meals, late night drinks and getting back to the hotel at 1am.

The bubble though quickly popped and we set about getting Max added to the booking to ensure he could actually come with us and we could revert back to dinner at 6.30 and warm canned beer being drunk at 9pm in the hotel room.

What turned out to be a fruitless search for a new pair of sunglasses ensued, we left empty-handed. Leaving the duty-free behind us, we headed off and grabbed a bite to eat and then off to gate 13 (unlucky for some) to board.

The gate number didn’t prove unlucky for us. 8 hours later after landing at JFK, we had enjoyed a relatively event-free flight, with little whining, and no crying.

I am talking about Max here. Suzanne was fine.


USA Road Trip 2015 – Flight from London to New York – Navigating Customs

Our plan of action was for me to sprint to customs to get in the queue knowing it would be a long 90 mins of zig-zag trudging through the ropes like being in line at your favourite amusement park but without the fun ride at the end.

Suzanne hung back to get Max in the buggy and joined me in the queue.

We then, as expected spent the first part of our holiday walking back and forth. Edging ever closer to having our fingerprints taken while passing the same people over and over again as they went back and forth too.

You brought me all the here for this??!

Luggage retrieved, we hopped on the Air Train for a few stops to Federal Circle to collect our hire car.

We chose the Chevrolet Mirage, nice big boot, and the drivers seat looked like a nice place to be. Only complaint here was the rental company staff refused to help us fit the car seat due to “legal reasons”.

USA Road Trip 2015 – Flight from London to New York – Car Seat Fitting!

I understand this to a certain extent but what followed wasn’t a pretty sight. Two hot, sweaty tired grown-ups fumbling around with buckles and belts in the back of car (it’s been a while since I did that) Add to the scenario a baby that was even more tired but thankfully, still not crying. It was 7pm at this point, midnight for our bodies, so we were keen to get to our hotel.

Eventually, we were ready to go so we jumped in “insert cars name her” (yet to be decided, we always name our hire car). The Sat nav got stuck to the windscreen and we made our way to our first hotel in Fort Lee, NJ.

Tomorrow would see us head north up with Niagara being our ultimate destination for the first part of the trip.

Stay tuned!!!!

Flight from London to New York
Our Road Trip Route this Holiday


Flight from London to New York
Plenty to Pack


Let’s get this show on the road
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