About Me and my Snaps & Stories

Hi, my name it Rich, this site has been around since the end of 2013! It was primarily set up as a way of documenting my own travels for prosperity, with no real agenda.

Recently, I have a urge to write, photograph and share my experiences, in the hope that my travels can benefit others.

I’m a Photographer by day, and a Road Trip lover at all other times.

This Blog has been around since 2013, and is a homage to our family and our travels. Now dedicated to Road Trips we are on a mission to explore as many of the worlds great drives as we can.

So far, we have taken major road trips in USACanada, and New Zealand. There are also other short trips to other places in Europe. You can use the main menu bar at the top to navigate around. 

I hope you find the website useful, and shout out to me if you have any questions or feedback. You can easily reach me over at my Contact page. Or scroll down to read a bit more about me and my family

Thanks for reading, and supporting the blog! Happy travels, and I hope you enjoy my Snaps & Stories!

More about me

Hi, I am Richard, the one on the right in this picture. One the left is my wife, Suzanne, and in the middle is Max, our little boy.

Suzanne and I have always been keen travellers, and we were determined not to let the arrival of our little monkey man prevent that.

In his 3 short years, he has been to USA, (California, New York to Niagara road trip, Orlando to Florida Keys Road Trip) to Italy, Jersey, France, Canada and countless jaunts around the UK.

Me? Well, my past is littered with trips here and there. It was only recently I really had the bug for travel. Was it because I hit 40? Who knows. What I do know is that if you want to see something, do something, visit somewhere so badly, then you must find that way to do it and get there.

In my previous life, I was an office boy. Working 25 years in office environments, enjoying it at the time, realising later in life there was more to it. A product of a cube farm.

During my residency in my third or fourth farm, I stood on a train platform waiting to get the train. This was the same train into London that I had caught countless times before, and no doubt countless times in the future.

Scared me
A Scared me!

I looked left, and saw the same girl standing in the same place drinking the same brand of coffee she had countless times before.

Then, I looked right, and saw the same guy standing in the same place reading the same paper he had countless times before.

I thought to myself, this is it. My life for the next 25 or so years. And it scared me a bit.

What to do about it?

This happened around the same time I developed a love for photography. It’s hard to explain, but pressing a button, capturing a moment in time, and enjoying that split second forever is a feeling that perhaps only photographers can relate to. Many people have hobbies, few turn them into a living.

Through hard work, support, and a lot of learning, I have managed to do that. As a result, I have a pretty decent photography business. While it doesn’t allow me to travel full time, it certainly gives me more freedom than a Cube Farm job with 23 days annual leave a year would.

In addition, we have recently moved to the New Forest, August 2016. The change in life while not dramatic, is certainly a good one. Minutes from the New Forest National Park (in fact, walking distance if one feels energetic!). A 10 minute drive to the beach, and many great things to see an do all around us.

More recently we have developed a love for getting out and about in a Campervan. P

So, let the travelling continue, the blogging follow, and the happy, amazing family I have around me continue to be  just that.

Thanks for reading, maybe we will cross paths at some point, and if not, enjoy my ramblings!!

Oh, before I go, unless indicated, all photos on this blog are taken by me. Please respect this and contact me should you wish to use any for anything. Thank you!
