USA 2019 – 28th March Day 6 – 24 hours at Lake Tahoe

Day 6

Today we started in – Lake Tahoe
We finished in – Lake Tahoe
Miles travelled today – 4
Miles so far this trip – 690
Tonight we are staying at – The Beach Retreat & Lodge

Thursday 28th March – Day 6

I woke up, and plodded to the window, and drew back the curtains to a Christmas Card scene.

Snow covered everything. The fern trees sagged with the weight of the white stuff. Already dripping and defrosting as the morning sun hits them.

With the exception of a 2 foot wide ‘beach’ created as the waves lap the shore, the snow is virtually uninterrupted to the edge of the lake.

The white snow, the calm lake, and the mountains in the background gives a welcoming sight first thing in the morning.

I spend a few minutes chatting to reception. Where is a good place for breakfast, can we walk around the lake etc. Turns out the hotel is flanked by other privately owned properties. A walk around isn’t possible but they tell me there are plenty of places you can get down to the lake from.

I thank him, and go over to join Max.

Glazed & Confused are local donut makers who set up in the bar from 6.30 to 11.30. We missed them yesterday, but Max was determined to see them today.

I follow him in, and the lady compliments me on how polite Max has just been.

He really does have his challenges. He can be cheeky, angry and demanding to us, but when we witness him with other people, he makes us prouder every day.

We buy our donuts, hear all about Floyd the donut (check out instagram @floydthedonut and #adventuresoffloydthedonut) and set about heading to the lake.

We chose our steps carefully as we head lakeside. Past the closed pool and through the buildings on the half cleared pathways. The last 30foot or so is cross country. So we aim for other footsteps that have been made already or what looks like shallower snow. Occasionally we miss both, and end up ankle deep in it.

Lakeside is eerily quite, with just one other couple and their dog. The pier that houses a restaurant is locked off, which is a shame, as it is denying us a certain decent photo of both the resort, and the pier.

We navigate puddles and slush back to the snow lawn paths and before long, we are tucked up in a booth at Heidi’s.

Compared to other breakfasts we have had in the past, the mediocre sized luke warm waffle was adequate. Not as tasty as we have experienced, but perfectly sized for my appetite.

A trudge up and down the road and a quick trip to the local supermarket followed. Cars sloshing past in every melting snow and sludge.

We made a decision to head back to Heavenly Village, with a view to heading up the Gondola.

$122 dollars later and we are in a metal and glass box hanging from a wire as we start our ascent.

Beneath us are mountain trees, with perfect blankets of snow in between. Perfect that is, except for the tracks made by skiers and snowboarders, travelling in the opposite direction to us.

Halfway up and we reach the observation platform. A circular metal platform giving great views of the lake. Misty, snow in the air hindered the view, but it was still a worthy stop of.

I can only imagine what the view would be like on a clear summers day!

The icy winds whipped in from all directions, loosening snow from the mounds around us, and making it feel even colder than it is. We get back into the Gondola and continue our climb.

After jumping off the slow moving box, we step out into glorious sunshine, but with a chill in the air.

Around us people come and go in their bright coloured ski apparel. Shiny ski masks reflecting back at us. Some with GoPro or an equivalent strapped to their helmets, recording their every downhill adventure.

If these people can ski as professionally as they look, there are some awesome skiers up here this afternoon.

We walk across the snow to the Tamara Lodge.

Numerous ski’s occupy the rack, presumably resting as their riders take their own break in the lodge.

We start looking for a hot drink. We find it, but over $20 for average hot chocolate and disgusting coffee seems a bit excessive.

We throw at least $10 worth of liquid in the bin. At 3.50 an announcement cuts our visit short. We wonder why it is closing at 4pm, when it should be open to at least 5pm, but we follow the herds back to the Gondola and join the queue.

It would turn out another band of snow is heading in, and I guess they want to clear the mountain as soon as possible.

We ride back down with a couple of avid skiers sitting opposite. Turns out they are from Colorado. They come to Tahoe for the Winter and they are now going back to get the last of the snow in Colorado.

“Still plenty of skiing to do” one of them says.

Back in Heavenly Village, and we wander around the shops. My favourite shop name so far this trip is “Up Shirt Creek”

The cold is finally getting to us, and just as Max announces he needs a poo, we are outside a place called AZUL.

We get a booth and order a drink each. It is a nice place, dark, almost black seats and booths. Hustle and bustle and a cool vibe. The waiter exudes “dudeness” if that is a word.

“Right On”, “Let’s do that” and “Hey, no problem” are all said during our 30 second ordering conversation.

Within seconds the coldest beer every is placed in front of me. I have a feeling they are keen to get the booth back for someone spending a bit more money than we will be.

The drinks go down well, and before we know it, we are heading back to the hotel to leave the car.

Across the way from our hotel is Safeway. A little bit further is a place called Sidellis. I will elaborate on this place another day, but it is a Micro Brewery and Restaurant.

We order a flight of four 2oz beers, some are nicer than others.

Nachos, sandwiches and Kid Quesadillas are ordered, and we consume as much as we can watching through the window. Glad to be inside from the latest snowfall that was, 30 minutes ago, settling on our hats, gloves and coats.

Now we know why the Lodge up the mountains a few hours ago was closing early.

Time to leave, and after some boisterous stoking of Ruka the dog, we are able to walk back with no snow showers to contend with, to the refuge or our warm hotel room.

Day 6 complete. 18 to go!!

See Full Itinerary of our trip here

Day 1 – London to LA
Day 2 – LA to Sequoia National Park
Day 3 – Sequoia to Yosemite
Day 4 – Yosemite to San Andreas
Day 5 – San Andreas to Lake Tahoe
Day 6 – Full Day at Lake Tahoe
Day 7 – Lake Tahoe to Napa
Day 8 – Napa to Half Moon Bay
Day 9 – Half Moon Bay to Monterey
Day 10 – Monterey to Big Sur
Day 11 – Big Sur to San Simeon
Day 12 – San Simeon to Pismo Beach
Day 13 – Pismo Beach to Santa Barbara
Day 14 – Santa Barbara to Santa Monica
Day 15 – Santa Monica
Day 16 – Santa Monica
Day 17 – Fly to Manhattan
Day 18 – Manhattan
Day 19 to 24 – Long Island

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